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CBD Vape



    CBD can be found everywhere nowadays. From coffees in cafes to skin creams in pharmacies, CBD has quickly reached a level of popularity previously reserved for the likes of Pokémon cards and newly opened climbing walls in East London. Nowadays you can find CBD almost everywhere, and with the relaxing of laws surrounding the medical uses for hemp-based products, we have seen widespread interest in this new chemical. This is especially true of its use in the vaping world. With dry herb vaping becoming ever more popular due to its ability to break down marijuana in countries where it is legal to smoke, and for the remedial benefits of many other herbs. For those still catching up with marijuana decriminalisation laws, CBD is a close cousin which has less of the psychoactive effects but all the health benefits. So why should you consider CBD oils for vaping on your dry herb vaporiser?

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  • Vaping to relieve chronic pain: full spectrum CBD vs. CBD isolate


    As the vaping community widens, so its diversity grows. Indeed, nowadays, a sub-section of the community is increasingly becoming populated not by those who are necessarily smokers looking to quit/ former smokers looking not to return to tobacco, not ‘cloud-chasers’ and not ‘flavour fanatics’ either. That’s because they’re people who don’t vape regular e-liquid at all because, instead, they’re usually vaping cannabidiol (CBD) vape oils. And the reason they’ve turned to vaping to consume the hemp-derived chemical is to naturally alleviate the symptoms of conditions and illnesses (e.g. chronic pain, stress, anxiety and so on).

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