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What To Expect From Your First Time Vaping

Many people are ready to dive straight into the world of vaping. First timers however, will need to take heed of a few surprises.

Vaping is often a hobby which takes a little while to get used to. When new vapers start, especially those coming from the world of smoking, the transition can be an interesting one. What with the differences to smoking, and the sensory benefits which will come to you once the debilitating effects of smoking wear off, you’ll find that vaping changes a lot of things in both your body and the way you approach your nicotine intake. This is not only a physical change, but one which will affect your social life, your shopping habits and even your bank balance.

Vaping and your skin

Over the first few days of vaping, you’ll see a distinct change in your skin. After a few days, the toxins from tobacco smoke will start to leave your body by any means necessary. When we say by any means necessary, we also include your skin. The use of tobacco means that your skin is exposed to a whole range of poisonous substances, and when you stop smoking, these toxins will begin to leave your skin through spots and bouts of acne. Never fear, this initial scourge of spottiness, will subside over time. Just keep vaping and don’t be tempted to return to the temptations of tobacco.

Vaping and your teeth

Tobacco and nicotine are one of the main instigators of gum disease and tooth decay in smokers. The tar, chemicals and nicotine triggered process of vasoconstriction can lead to serious oral hygiene and health problems. With so many problems with smoking and oral hygiene, you’ll find that vaping poses far less of a risk. Despite the use of nicotine which can cause temporary heightened blood pressure, none of the other chemicals in tobacco are being inhaled into your body.

One problem with vaping may be in the fact that it can cause dehydration, so to keep yourself from getting too thirsty, it’s definitely a good idea to drink a lot of water whilst vaping, especially if your new to it.

Vaping and your social life

Forget about the lonely days of smoking outside the office by yourself or having to leave the house. Vaping means that many more institutions are becoming ever more lenient to the health improving effects of vaping for ex-smokers. Those who have started vaping will also begin to see more of a social community open around vaping, in which you can talk about the new brands, best vape shops in London as well as vaping competitions, which make it incredibly easy to learn some of the best vape tricks out there.

Vaping and your nicotine tolerance

Nicotine in vape juice is very different to that of tobacco smoke. Whilst each cigarette brings about 10 mg of nicotine per juice, you can find a range of nicotine levels in vape juices. Whether you’re looking for 3 mg or 20 mg, there is plenty to satisfy your personal nicotine need. Make sure you read how much nicotine is in your e juice , as this can vary dramatically. If you are new to vaping and are an ex-smoker, the rule usually goes that if you were smoking less than five a day, you should go for 3 mg or 6 mg of nicotine per vape juice. If you were smoking between 5 and 10 a day then you should go for 8 to 12 mg of nicotine. If you were smoking up to a pack a day, then you should explore the 16 mg or 20 mg nicotine options in vape juices.

Vaping and your inhalation technique

Ever heard of direct to lung vaping? If you’re new to vaping, then you probably haven’t and for good reason. The smoking community are far more used to mouth to lung, in which you inhale the smoke into your mouth before breathing it into your lungs. Direct to Lung accommodates for the huge plumes of vape which come out of vape devices, having vapers inhale the vapour like they would air out of a balloon. This may be surprising to first time vapers but is a technique you’ll soon get used to.